Saturday, November 23, 2013


11-22-13 I promise I am almost caught up!! Sorry to put up posts late- I wanted to try it as a journal to see if I could actually do this!! 

A whole week with no posts and no exercise!!  Now I remember why I use to go to the CF box EVERY single MWF- because I won’t do anything on my own.  What happened to the adage that it takes 3 weeks to make a habit?? Even after working out faithfully for 10 months, and seeing progress, which of course should help to enforce the behavior, I get injured and BAM! There goes my commitment to working out.  Now I understand that when I was in so much pain, well, really who wants to work out?? But strangely that is when I was still checking the website to see what the WOD (workout of the day) was and lamenting that I had to be stupid and get hurt, now all my time, effort and hard work was going to disappear- as in - I’m going to put weight back on and have to start from SQUARE ONE.  I was not a happy camper.  Somehow as I started getting more relief I stopped checking the WOD every. single. day.  I was also extremely busy as my daughter was getting married in less than 2 months and I was more panicked at not being able to do anything at her wedding.  Now as I am healing more and more and am starting to feel the need to work out again I have begun checking the website to see what I would be doing if I could.  I thought that was a great sign! Well apparently not! After not exercising at all for 3 months my cardio level has plummeted, I’m sure I have lost strength and I know I am not healed enough for full on CF workouts.  I thought the smart thing would be to start doing some training on my own.  I have my trusty journal of all my previous workouts complete with times and weights, I can use that, not to mention the plethora of workouts you can find online.  So armed with more workouts than I could possibly ever do, well… really ever would do.  I think I am about to start on my road to recovery and getting back to the box.  And I only do 2 workouts then skip a whole flippin’ week! What is up with that??? So today I MADE myself do a mini CF workout, and I am soooo disappointed in myself.  But I am trying to be positive, (which I don’t seem to be doing a good job of) because at least I did something.  Right??
So here it is, as pathetic as it is:

Run 400 yards
5 burpees
10 push ups
20 squats
10 triceps dips
30 sec side plank on each side

My goal was to do 3 sets of this, but I only managed 2. I know I should be proud that I at least DID something.  But it is so pathetic and that should encourage me to keep it up to get stronger.  But it really just makes me want chocolate.  Sad, but true.  

At least I can still cook!

Last night’s dinner was so freaking good! Sesame seed encrusted Ahi Tuna steaks with a ginger teriyaki glaze and wasabi mayo with wasabi smashed potatoes and edamame.  So good- but the boys worked LATE last night and dinner didn’t happen until 9:00.  And there was NO WAY  I could wait that long so I had a glass of chocolate  milk and some pretzels.  When they got home I felt bloated and did not want to eat anything.  So it was lunch for me today and dinner for them last night.   Sorry I didn’t take a picture, it was awesome ! But… I think I can manage to write up the recipe.  I am horrible at actual recipes.  I grew up with a grandmother who rarely used a recipe and rarely measured things.  And today I am the same way- only I think I am even worse than her.  I NEVER measure, unless I am baking.  I just kinda know how much to put in..  I know I‘m crazy.  It frustrates my daughters and friends when I give them recipes with no amounts.  I have struggled over the years to try to correct this faulty gene I have inherited so that my daughters can learn to cook.  My oldest seems to have the gene too. L But she is a great cook! My younger daughter, well, she just doesn’t really care about cooking.  It’s just not her thing.  So, anywho , onto the recipe.

I found this awesome spice from Victora Gourmet at TJMaxx and Marshalls, and every time I would see it I would buy it.  But sadly it ran out and I can’t find it anymore.  So what is a girl to do when that is such a huge part of my ahi tuna recipe?? First I panicked, looked everywhere, and almost ordered it online. But I didn’t want to pay the $10 plus shipping.  So I just didn’t make tuna.  Well I can go a LONG time without making the same recipe again, but tuna steaks are kinda a big favorite around here and it is healthy.  So I made my own! And it was AWESOME!!! (Cue angels singing!)

So I made a big batch and put it in an airtight container and now I have it whenever I need it and even better, I made it for a fraction of what I used to spend on it- even at TJ Maxx!!  And I know there are NO preservatives or MSG in it, WIN!

Here are my approximate measurements, no way to mess it up, adjust to your taste!

½ c white sesame seeds
½ c black sesame seeds
2 T powdered ginger
1T powdered garlic
1 t powdered onion
1 t red chili pepper flakes
½ t salt
½ t black pepper
¼ t cayenne pepper – this is where you need to be careful!! This has quite a bit of a bite to it.  A little truly does go a long way, you can always add more! But you can’t take it out!

Mix all together.  I put mine in a dry skillet on low heat to toast the sesame seeds and bring the flavors all together.  I’m thinking you could skip it- but really it doesn’t take much time, so just do it!  Store in an airtight container.

For the tuna, pour a small amount of the sesame ginger seasoning onto a plate and gently place tuna into seasonings to completely cover, flip it over and make sure both sides are completely covered.  I even cover my sides most of the time.  

I ALWAYS use my cast iron skillet for this recipe since it gets screaming hot! Place enough butter (depends on how much tuna and how large your skillet is, about 1 T per tuna steak) into the skillet on high heat.  

When it is melted place tuna into melted butter and cook for 1-3 minutes, flip and cook another 1-3 minutes.  You time will vary depending on the thickness of your tuna.  The steaks I usually buy are about ¾ of an inch thick and I cook mine about 3 minutes the first side and 2 minutes the second side.  You can watch the sides of the steak and as the outside is starting to cook the sides start to turn a gray/brown instead of the beautiful red/pink they were when you placed them  in the skillet.  When I have a few millimeters of the cooked color show I flip them.  I pull them out when the second side shows the same amount of doneness.  Make sense?? I hope so!

Remember tuna is best rare! Please don’t cook them well done. YUCK! These are ahi tuna steaks; that means they are sushi grade and can be eaten raw.  That is how they are best- I promise!! Next I put a few spoonfuls of teriyaki sauce on top and did a quick drizzle of wasabi mayo on top.  They were the best I have ever made! Sorry- I forgot to take a picture of the wasabi mayo drizzle, the pic below is just standard wasabi on the side.

For the teriyaki, I prefer to use Very Very Teriyaki by Soy Vay (and they have no idea who I even am! I just prefer it and always buy it because I think it’s the best!) Now when I am in a hurry and just want dinner on the table I just use it straight from the bottle, yes, it is that good! But when I am not rushed I add my own stuff to make it even better!

¾ c Very Very Teriyaki
2 T grated fresh ginger (I keep mine in the freezer and zest it right into the pot!)
1 medium size garlic clove, grated
2 T brown sugar
1 T oyster sauce
1 T OJ or pineapple juice (either is fine, whatever you have opened)
Bring to a boil then simmer for 5-10 minutes.  Will thicken as it cools, if you prefer it a little thicker add a little cornstarch (maybe ½ teaspoon).  This is also great with some chopped green onions.  If I have them I use them, if not… oh well!

Wasabi mayo- just mix to your taste.  I used about  4 parts mayo to 1 part wasabi.  It was spicy! Hubby kept trying to add extra wasabi to his tuna since that is how he always eats it, but I have never made wasabi mayo before and he kept getting that wasabi burn with almost every bite! He never thought to try it with just the wasabi mayo.  I put the wasabi mayo  into a zip lock bag and cut off the corner and you can drizzle the wasabi mayo on all fancy, it makes a great presentation.
Well happy Friday everyone! I am going to try to exercise over the weekend and try to make healthy foods.  I will make sure to share!


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